Win New Business: 5 Tips for Marketing Your Association Management Company

Last modified on January 3rd, 2022

The Foundation for Community Association Research estimates that as of 2021, there are about 357,000 community associations in the United States. With 9,000+ management companies vying for their business, your association management company’s reputation is everything when it comes to standing out of the crowd. It impacts your ability to attract new associations, retain your current customers, and even grow. 

Not to mention, in today’s digitally driven world, the majority of people look online first when they want to learn more about a business, which is why it’s critical that you prioritize digital marketing. From your website to your reviews, much of your brand’s ethos lives online. Below we detail some tactics you can use to effectively market your association management business to capture more customers and build credibility in your market.

1.) Invest in a Professional Website

When was the last time you Googled a business to find out more information? Chances are you landed on their website first. Your website is oftentimes the first interaction your future customers will have with your brand, so it’s important to make sure the experience is positive. 

When your website is clunky, outdated, or difficult to navigate it makes your business appear unprofessional and disorganized. Make sure your website is easy-to-use, well designed, and has a good user experience. Additionally, don’t forget to highlight what makes your business different, what you stand for, and the kinds of on-demand, personalized experiences you offer. When you’re thinking about what you will say, be sure to research and include popular keywords to ensure your website is SEO optimized to draw the most traffic. 

2.) Have a Strong Social Media Presence

In addition to your website, your social media presence is equally important. Make sure your business has Facebook and LinkedIn accounts, and that you share and repost news and updates about your company and the industry regularly. By doing so, you can attract more followers and position your business as an expert in the field. Also, don’t forget to follow and engage with others in the association management industry such as CAI and HOA-USA, along with your customers. 

3.) Deploy Marketing Campaigns

Create marketing campaigns with messaging that is tailored and personalized to board members, HOAs, and COAs. From direct mail to social ads on LinkedIn, use a variety of channels to advertise your business to expand your reach. The more saturated your message and brand is out in the market, the more recognizable your business will be.

4.) Pay Attention to Reviews

Along with your website, board members also look to review sites to see how your business is rated when considering whether or not they would want to partner with your management company. According to a study by Qualtrics, 94% of consumers say an online review has convinced them to avoid a business. So make sure you have profiles on popular review sites such as Yelp, Google My Business, Better Business Bureau, and others. 

While we would all love to receive only positive reviews, negative reviews are inevitable. It’s important that you respond to reviews, especially negative reviews, quickly to show others you care about their feedback and are working to solve the problem. In fact, 53% of customers expect businesses to respond to negative reviews within a week

If you are lacking reviews, a great place to start is to ask your current customers to leave a review. When you or a team member has a positive interaction with a board member or homeowner, consider asking them to share their experience online. You can also include a link for them to leave a review in your email signature. And be sure to feature the top reviews you receive on your website, within a community newsletter, and other places, so others can see how happy your customers are with your company.

5.) Grow Your Network

Once you’ve established a solid online presence, connect with other local businesses and real estate agents who specialize in HOAs and COAs to expand your network, and ask for referrals from your contractors, such as your landscapers, pool service company, and maintenance technicians.

To broaden your network even more, consider attending events hosted by leaders in the industry such as CAI or HOA-USA for example, or the smaller, regional organizations in your area. You can also host events for board members and homeowners, and volunteer to show that you are a part of the community.

By implementing these strategies, you can effectively market your association management business to attract more clients and boost your reputation. Having a professional website, strong social media presence, and targeted marketing campaigns will help you make the best first impression. However, marketing isn’t just a one-time effort, you must continue to nurture and maintain that great impression by managing your online reviews and networking with others in the industry and your community. To learn more about how you can ensure the growth of your association management business, take a look at this article.


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